Product ID: 2662

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Previous price: 1580 Pesos

Current price: 790 Pesos

Buy Veniselle, an anti-varicose cream, available for shipping.

Healthy veins and graceful movement

  • Reduces varicose veins
  • Normalizes blood circulation
  • Relieves symptoms such as: inflammation, heaviness, spasms and swelling
  • Refreshes, reduces fatigue, gives your legs a feeling of lightness

Venous pathology is one of the most common circulatory problems. Heaviness and tiredness in the legs, pain, swelling and night cramps are suffered by both men and women. Veniselle cream, composed of natural ingredients, relieves the symptoms of venous insufficiency and helps improve blood circulation in the legs. The product moisturizes the skin and saturates it with beneficial trace elements that combat pain, swelling, leg fatigue, spider veins and varicose veins. In addition, Veniselle ingredients

What are varicose veins and what causes them?

Varicose veins are a pathological alteration of the veins in the lower half of the body, which involves dilation, deformation, alteration of the valvular apparatus, poor permeability and blood reflux.

Causes of varicose veins:

  • Sitting, sedentary lifestyle
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Heavy load on the legs
  • Hereditary weakness of the blood vessel walls
  • Overweight
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Pregnancy

How to recognize varicose veins. The 5 main symptoms

Clusters of protruding blue veins do not appear immediately with venous insufficiency. In most cases, it is preceded by:

  • sudden weakness in the legs,
  • itching, burning, muscle cramps in the legs,
  • swelling, lumps,
  • a change in the color of the skin on the leg, bruising,
  • dark blue spider veins.

Danger, risk and long-term effects of varicose veins

Apart from the numerous symptoms, varicose veins also cause a disruption of blood flow. The valves in the blood vessels no longer close as tightly as before. As a result, blood from the vessels flows down to the lower half of the body, stagnates and forms painful ulcers. Sometimes, even worse, infected blood can lead to amputation of a limb or a thrombosis can form, leading to death.

Healthy and beautiful legs with Veniselle

  • 93% fewer inflammation markers in blood
  • 89% reduction in vein size
  • 97% relief from pain, fatigue and swelling

Veniselle is for light, beautiful and healthy legs.

Veniselle is a natural venotonic cream that pleasantly refreshes and moisturizes the skin, and ensures an improvement in the outflow of venous blood through the capillaries. Veniselle cream owes its power to a formula enriched with natural ingredients:

Horse Chestnut Extract

Contains the glycosides aesculin and aescin, which keep veins healthy by: strengthening the walls of blood vessels; accelerating blood flow; having a powerful soothing effect on bruises, bumps and ulcers; decreasing blood viscosity and the risk of developing thrombosis.

Chamomile flower extract

It has an anti-inflammatory and spasm-relieving effect, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and improves blood flow.


Nettle extract

Contains large amounts of plant acids and flavonoids. Relieves inflammation, strengthens blood vessels, provides vascular tone, and gets rid of blood stasis.



It refreshes, reduces blood viscosity, promotes the breakdown of fats, improves blood flow and relieves swelling.



Caffeine is an excellent venotonic. It stimulates blood flow, makes blood vessels healthy and elastic and keeps the skin of the feet healthy.



Nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Accelerates wound healing.


Red pepper extract

Es una gran fuente de vitamina C y bioflavonoides. Mantiene el flujo sanguíneo normal y alivia el dolor.


Extracto de ajenjo

Fortalece los vasos sanguíneos, mejora su elasticidad, reduce el esfuerzo de las largas caminatas, evita la aparición de trombos y alivia las arañas vasculares y las venas reticulares.

Los antecedentes hereditarios, el sedentarismo, la actividad física constante, la afición a los tacones altos y el transporte diario de bolsas pesadas pueden causar insuficiencia venosa. Los signos externos suelen aparecer mucho más tarde que los cambios patológicos internos de las venas. La crema Veniselle mejora el flujo sanguíneo, alivia la hinchazón y la fatiga. Usándola con regularidad, conseguirás que tus piernas se sientan ligeras y cómodas.

Forma de uso de Veniselle

Masajea suavemente con una pequeña cantidad de la crema sobre la zona lesionada. Aplícala hasta su completa absorción (3-5 minutos) tanto por la mañana como por la noche

Veniselle es una crema para las venas varicosas.

Precio anterior: 1580 Pesos

Precio actual: 790 Pesos

 vascular walls and have a positive effect on their tone.

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